Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the beginning of our Homeschool adventures...

WoWzA........it's been a whole seven months since I've blogged!!! :) Those of you that know me well understand.
So the biggest adventure I've been preparing for lately is starting homeschool with the kiddos.  I wish I had a picture of my curriculum to share, but I don't. Sorry, maybe next time! :) But I will share a detailed list with you guys of what I'm using. So here goes:
Math U See: I will be using the primer package and the manipulatives.
Character First: this is a sweet curriculum that I am super excited about!!!  It builds the childs character by teaching them, for example, how to be attentive like a deer and so forth.
Rod and Staff Publishers: my plan (I can't believe I'm using the "P" word) is to do a bit of reading from some sweet books published by Rod and Staff.......and hopefully next year Blythe will be reading them to me! I really am growing to love this publisher and am excited to use their stuff!
Christian Liberty Press: which I am super excited about also, love their work too!  I will be using several things from them:  the Nature Reader, for science and some other little sweet books that I will be reading from during my reading time to the boys.  Then also History for Little Pilgrims, for History obviously! :)
Copybook 1:  for some handwriting skills.
Language and Thinking for Young Children
The Llama who had no Pajama: for some poetry.  We will be working on memorizing some stuff!!
Three Tales of My Fathers Dragon and The Story of the World:  for History and Geography.  These will be used as supplements.  They are cute stories we will read occasionally.
The Nature Connection:  for Science, this will be a supplement as well.  I plan (there's that "P" word again, :)) to create a nature journal for each of the boys......when we take nature walks we will record our findings! :)
Nature Friend Magazine:  for Science as well.  This is a sweet creation based magazine!  I'm super excited to start using this!
ESV Illustrated Family Bible:  for our bible time.  I'm also going to use as a supplement the booklet I got from the church with all the lessons from Blythes disciple hour.
Bible alive, dramatized NLT:  I got the audio version so we can start listening to this while riding around in the car.  Instead of listening to the radio all the time!  I desire to feed my children with TRUTH wherever I can and as much as I can......I don't want to miss any opportunities!!!
Well, I didn't go into as much detail as I thought I might and I didn't do any links......lack of time, sorry!  But I either borrowed, or bought most from amazon and christian book.  Please ask if you have any questions about anything or need any help, I would love to help where I can.
Also, I will add that I obviously won't be using all of this every day.  I do also plan to add some music, activity time, and craft time into this on some days as well. I don't have a specific schedule laid out yet but I do know we will only do about 2 hours a day, possibly only four days a week.  And of course, I will also be adding in a few field trips for the year.  The first one is already in place, I'm surprising the boys with a trip to Burnet, Tx for Day Out With Thomas........they are going to be SOOO excited!!!!!!  Beyond that, most of our field trips will be more local and more educational based.
Before I end this post I must say I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to homeschool my sweet children and I am so excited about this next adventure that God is taking us on!  The first memory verse I will be working on memorizing with the boys is, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7.


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