Monday, August 2, 2010

short and sweet...

I've only got a couple of minutes here because I have such a crazy day today...but...I wanted to let you now that I recently came across a new cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld's wife.  Anyway, it's called Deceptively Delicious.  I came across it at the local Wal-mart for six bucks!  That's affordable on any budget!  Anyway, I think it's great!  It teaches you how to put great foods, such as spinach, carrots, avocados, etc. in foods you would never think of putting them in.  This is a great idea if you've got some kids that won't eat certain things.  So I'm going to the grocery store today to buy for the week and am making almost all of our food from the recipes in Jessica's book.  So I will have to let you know how it goes!

If you like tofu, one recipe I will be making is tofu nuggets.  Yum!  Can't wait to try them.  I will be letting you know what goes well and what doesn't.  I will try to post pictures and my fav recipes!

Have you ever seen the movie Julie and Julia?  Well if you haven't you should!  But my point being, I feel like Julie.

Wish me luck in my new adventure this week!  :-)


  1. Laurie, I LOVE this book! I use it to trick myself sometimes. : )

  2. Yeah, I was thinking of Chris and I too. It's a great way to get more veggies for ourselves and not just for the kids. I guess kind of my purpose in cooking most of my recipes from it this week! :-)
    It's good to know you love the book...I was hoping it was going to be a good buy!


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